Lead Designer, Illustrator, AR designer, Animator
Design, Campaign creation, Advertising, AR Design, Layout, Menus, Digital Advertising, Social Media, Content Creation
I was tasked with designing a creative identity for Valentines day using Chiquito’s brand and assetsI was to base the campaign around El Dia de Amor y Amistad - The day of love and friendship in Mexico. Not using pink or excessive amount of red so our campaign would stand out against a sea of other valentines campaigns keeping it gender neutral and not hetrocentric.
Using Facebooks new augmented reality building program I was able to create an AR filter for use on Instagram stories using the creative assets for the campaign. This built brand awareness by giving customers a chance to interactand play with the brand and share with other users on the app. This also built recognition of our assets and creative over social media since it would link with the sponsored posts on Instagram
2,947 impressions (without any advertising or push)
Over 100 captures (not including video)